Canagan 原之選 – Free-Run Chicken 無穀物走地雞[全貓糧]
Canagan 放養雞配方是一種不含穀物的貓糧,雞肉含量超過65%,可為貓提供豐富的蛋白質飲食。 由我們的專家配製而成,可提供低碳水化合物,無穀物,多種蔬菜和植物營養素的營養,從而更接近貓的自然飲食。
- 新鮮的走地雞肉—雞是蛋白質,維生素,磷和硒的優良來源,對免疫系統有好處。
- 甘藷—高消化率的緩釋能源,富含抗氧化劑和可溶性纖維來源。
- 海藻—提供含有碘的天然有價值礦物質來支持甲狀腺功能和控制新陳代謝。
- 萬壽菊,蔓越莓和甘菊—萬壽菊可刺激白血球生成,增強免疫系統。蔓越莓富含維生素C,有助於促進健康的尿道。甘菊被認為減輕壓力。
Canagan Free Range Chicken For Cats is a special grain free cat food with over 65% chicken to provide the protein rich diet your cat will thrive on. Formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition with low carbohydrates, no grains and a host of vegetables and botanicals to more closely mimic your cat’s natural diet.
- FRESHLY PREPARED FREE-RUN CHICKEN—Chicken is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, phosphorous and selenium which is good for the immune system.
- SWEET POTATO—A highly digestible premium source of slow-release energy, rich in anti-oxidants and a great source of soluble fibre.
- SEAWEED—Provides a natural and valuable source of minerals which contain iodine to support thyroid function and control metabolism.
- MARIGOLD, CRANBERRY AND CAMOMILE—Marigold stimulates white blood cell production and strengthens the immune system. Cranberry is rich in Vitamin C and helps promote a healthy urinary tract. Camomile is thought to reduce stress
成分 Ingredients
新鮮製備的剔骨雞(25%),紅薯,馬鈴薯,雞肉(4.2%),幹雞蛋(4%),雞肉汁(2.3%),三文魚油(1.2%),礦物質,維生素,苜蓿,蔓越莓,甘露醇,低聚果糖,蘋果,胡蘿蔔,菠菜,海藻,甘菊,薄荷,萬壽菊,Ani seed,葫蘆巴。
Dried Chicken (35.5%), Freshly Prepared Deboned Chicken (25%), Sweet Potato, Potato, Chicken Fat (4.2%), Dried Egg (4%), Chicken Gravy (2.3%), Salmon Oil (1.2%), Minerals, Vitamins, Alfalfa, Cranberry, Mannanoligosaccharides, Fructooligosaccharides, Apple, Carrot, Spinach, Seaweed, Camomile, Peppermint, Marigold, Aniseed, Fenugreek.
營養分析 Analysis
粗蛋白質 Crude Protein | 37.00% |
脂肪含量 Fat Content | 20.00% |
粗纖維 Crude Fibres | 1.50% |
粗灰質 Crude Ash | 8.50% |
水份 Moisture | 7.00% |
奧米加 6 Omega 6 | 2.99% |
奧米加 3 Omega 3 | 0.82% |
鈣 Calcium | 1.58% |
磷 Phosphorus | 1.40% |
餵食指南(成貓) Feeding Guide (Adult)
重量(公斤) kg |
份量(克) Gram |
<2.5 | 25-35 |
2.5-3.5 | 34-45 |
3.5-4.5 | 45-60 |
4.5+ | 60+ |
餵食指南(幼貓) Feeding Guide (Kitten)
年齡(月) Months |
份量(克) Gram |
2個月以下 | 20-30 |
2-4個月 | 30-55 |
4-6個月 | 55-75 |
6-12個月 | 75+ |
Made in U.K.