Royal-Pets – Natural Cranberry 天然小紅莓 30粒膠囊
This product is extracted from natural cranberries. Each capsule contains highly concentrated (36:1) cranberry essence equivalent to 18,000mg of cranberries. This sugar-free formula is specially made for supporting a healthy urinary system for your cat. Cranberries offer anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. They can balance the pH value inside the urinary tract, reduce bacteria formation and attachment, and prevent urinary tract, kidneys and bladder infections. Cranberries are also rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, particularly antioxidants proanthocyanidins. They can boost your cat’s immune system and prohibit formation of cancer cells; fight against aging, enhancing memory, balance and coordination; strengthen teeth and gums as well as prevent dental decay.
- 預防尿道、腎和膀胱感染
- 促進排尿順暢,沖走尿道細菌
- 保護雙眼,提升視力
- 減緩高齡貓退化,維持腦部活力
- 減輕小便異味和小便時的痛楚
- 高效抗氧化,保護身體免受自由基破壞
- 改善心血管系統功能,調節血壓
- 對抗潰瘍,如胃潰瘍和牙周病
- Prevent urinary tract, kidneys and bladder infections
- Promote smooth urination to flush out bacteria of urinary tract
- Protect the eyes and improve vision
- Slow down aging of old cats, boost brain power
- Improve foul smelling urine and pain while urinating
- Strong antioxidant for protecting the body from free radical damage
- Improve heart and cardiovascular functions, regulate blood pressure
- Fight against stomach ulcers and periodontosis
成分 Ingredients
Natural Cranberry Extract 500mg (36:1 concentrated)
服法 Directions:
– 每2日1次,每次1粒
1. 拆開膠囊將粉末混和於食物中 或
2. 拆開膠囊將粉末溶和於適量清水(約6cc),再以針筒餵飼 或
3. 將膠囊直接放於貓隻口中吞服
Take 1 capsule every other day.
1. Open the capsule and mix the powder with food; or
2. Open the capsule, dissolve the powder into water (6cc approx.) and feed by syringe; or
3. Take the capsule orally by the cat.
儲存 Storage
Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Made in U.S.A