Royal-Pets – Lingzhi 靈芝皇 60粒膠囊 [犬]
This product is combined with top-quality lingzhi, natural royal jelly and propolis through US advanced technology. The unique and easy absorbed formulation is specific for dogs. Lingzhi is a precious medicinal fungus, it can protect normal cells, enhance immunity, promote liver health, improve blood circulation and maximize oxygen-carrying level of blood cells, revive vitality and improve appetite. Propolis has strong anti-oxidation and anti-bacterial effect, it can slow down aging process and promote metabolism. Royal jelly can support liver function, enhance body strength and boost the immune system.
- 增強免疫力
- 高效抗氧化
- 促進細胞新陳代謝,延緩衰老
- 增強體質,提升活力
- 有助保持呼吸系統的健康
- 保護肝臟,減輕藥物及毒素損害
- Enhance immunity
- Strong anti-oxidation
- Promote metabolism and delay aging
- Enhance body strength and replenish stamina
- Maintain health of respiratory system
- Protect the liver from pollutant and heavy metal
成分 Ingredients
靈芝提取物 350毫克 、蜂皇漿 、天然蜂膠
Lingzhi Extract 350 mg 、 Royal Jelly 、Propolis
服法 Directions
- 25磅以下小型犬隻: 每日1次,每次1粒
- 26-50磅中型犬隻: 每日2次,每次1粒
- 51-100磅大型犬隻: 每日1-2次,每次2-3粒
- 空腹或餐前半小時服效果更佳
- 將膠囊直接放於犬隻口中吞服 或
- 拆開膠囊將粉末混和於食物中 或
- 拆開膠囊將粉末溶和於適量清水(約6cc),再以針筒餵飼
- Small Dogs (Up to 25lbs): Take 1 capsule daily
- Medium Dogs (26-50lbs): Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily
- Large Dogs (51-100lbs): Take 2-3 capsules, 1-2 times daily
- Fasting or 30 minutes before meal for better results.
- Take the capsule(s) orally by the dog; or
- Open the capsule(s) and mix the powder with food; or
- Open the capsule(s), dissolve the powder into water (6cc approx.) and feed by syringe.
Store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
產地 美國
Made in USA