Royal-Pets Co-Biotic 腸胃益生素 [2g x20小包][貓用]
Cats are obligate carnivores. Their diet does not need much carbohydrates, but is mainly made up of protein derived from meat instead. However, most of the living and eating habits in the city cannot meet the high-protein needs of pet cats, which may lead to gastrointestinal issues; hence other diseases or behavioral issues. Tailor-made for cats, this formula contains several probiotic strains of symbiotic bacteria as well as prebiotics and vitamins to complement their high protein needs. It can balance the gastrointestinal microbial ecosystem, reduce the chance of getting diarrhea and stomach upset, and also maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Cats with a healthy layer of gut bacteria have stronger resistance to infection with bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea. They are less likely to suffer from food allergy symptoms such as soft stool with blood and mucus. Safe and free of drugs, this product is also suitable for long-term consumption by cats at an appropriate dose as directed by the veterinarian.
特點 Features
- 幫助貓隻(肉食性動物)消化高蛋白質食物
- 築起屏障抵禦致敏原、細菌和毒素,預防過敏
- 預防腸道感染
- 改善糞便形狀、質感和氣味
- 幫助身體製造維他命
- 為貓隻提供能量
- 預防及減輕炎症
- Facilitate digestion of high protein food in cats (carnivores)
- Prevent allergies by building barriers to allergens, bacteria and toxins
- Prevent infection in the gut
- Improve stool shape, texture and smell
- Help the body to produce vitamins
- Provide energy for the body
- Prevent and relieve inflammation
成分 Ingredients
兩歧雙歧桿菌 、長雙歧桿菌、嗜酸乳桿菌 、乾酪乳桿菌 、屎腸球菌 、維他命B5 、維他命B6 (81.1%) 、維他命B2 (98%) 、卡拉膠 、蘋果提取物粉末、異麥芽酮糖醇 、硬脂酸鎂
Bifidobacterium Bifidum BGN4 、Bifidobacterium Longum BORI 、 Lactobacillus Acidophilus AD031 、Lactobacillus Casei IBS041 、Enterococcus Faecium BH06 、Vitamin B5 、Vitamin B6 (81.1%) 、Vitamin B2 (98%)、 Carrageenan 、Apple Extract Powder 、Isomaltose 、Magnesium Stearate
服法 Directions
- 每隔日1次,每次1包
- 將顆粒混和於食物中 或
- 將顆粒倒於掌心,餵飼貓隻服用 或
- 將顆粒溶和於適量清水,再以針筒餵飼
- Take 1 sachet every other day
- Mix the granules with food; or
- Put the granules on your palm and feed the cat; or
- Dissolve the granules into water and feed by syringe.
Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Recommended to store in the refrigerator.
產地 : 韓國
Made in Korea