Royal-Pets – Pure Resveratrol 純正白藜蘆醇 60粒膠囊
Specifically made for aging dogs, this resveratrol formula has anti-aging, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer effects. Scientific researches revealed that as an active ingredient, resveratrol can stimulate the SIRT1 longevity gene inside the body, activate the metabolism and self-repairing functions of cells, slow down aging speed and promote cell health. In addition, resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that can protect cells and organs from free radical damage. It helps to prevent and improve chronic diseases that are common among aged dogs, such as cancers, diabetes, brain degeneration, cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. This product is extracted from quality Japanese Knotweed. It does not contain any grape and is safe for dogs.
- 延緩老化
- 保持年輕活力·維持健康血糖水平,穩定血壓
- 預防癌症,抑制癌細胞擴散,輔助癌症治療
- 維持腦部正常運作和功能,減緩腦退化
- 清除體內毒素
- 提升老年犬隻的免疫力
- 維護心血管健康,預防心血管疾病
- 減輕關節炎症的症狀有助管理體重
- Slow down aging, maintain youth and vitality
- Strengthen the immunity of aged dogs
- Maintain healthy blood sugar level, stabilize blood pressure
- Promote cardiovascular health, prevent cardiovascular diseases
- Prevent cancers, inhibit growth of cancer cells and support cancer treatments
- Alleviate inflammatory symptoms of joints
- Support normal brain activities and functions, delay brain degeneration
- Assist in weight management
- Detoxify the body
成分 Ingredients
白藜蘆醇30毫克 , Resveratrol 30mg
服法 Directions
- 10磅以下:每2日1次,每次1粒
- 10-40磅:每日1次,每次1粒
- 40磅以上:每日2次,每次1粒
- 將膠囊直接放於犬隻口中吞服或
- 拆開膠囊將粉末混和於食物中或
- 拆開膠囊將粉末溶和於適量清水(約60c):再以針筒餵飼
- Up to 10lbs: Take 1 capsule every other day
- 10-40lbs: Take 1 capsule daily
- Over 40lbs: Take 1 capsule, 2 times daily
- Take the capsule(s) orally by the dog; or
- Open the capsule(s) and mix the powder with food; or
- Open the capsule(s), dissolve the powder into water (6cc approx.) and feed by syringe.
Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
產地 : 香港
Made in Hong Kong