Royal-Pets – Joint Tri-Strength For Joint 三效關節素 60 粒 [一盒相對一個骨針療程]
This joint formula provides natural nutrients that support your dog’s joint function and connective tissue. Glucosamine and chondroitin can promote the repair and regeneration of cartilage, enhance the absorbability (particularly water) of cartilage to increase buffer and nourishment of joints, prevent joint degeneration and assist in the recovery of degraded joints. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an essential component for synthesizing collagen. It supports joint health by enhancing the connective tissue of joints and membrane tissue cells. Antioxidants, minerals and other synergistic ingredients are included for the sole purpose of increasing absorption and maximizing efficacy. This is a guardian supplement which provides complete protection for healthy joints. It helps your dog to live in a healthy and active lifestyle.
- 改善關節退化及提高關節靈活性
- 促進關節軟組織再生
- 減輕關節因磨損所引致的痛楚及腫脹
- 潤滑關節,為關節提供必要養分
- 適合關節不健康或長期受關節問題所困擾的犬隻
- 舒緩因關節運動量大、體重過重而造成的關節不適
- Improve joint degeneration and joint flexibility
- Promote cartilage regeneration and repair
- Relieve the pain and swelling of the joints due to cartilage wearing
- Nourish the joints and provide necessary nutrients
- Suitable for dogs with unhealthy joints or long-term joint problems
- Alleviate aches and discomfort associated with heavy joint exercise or overweight
成分 Ingredients
葡萄糖胺500毫克、 軟骨素200毫克 、 有機硫50毫克 、維他命C 50毫克 、鋅15毫克 、玻尿酸6毫克 、錳5毫克 、銅2毫克
Glucosamine Sulfate 500mg 、Chondroitin Sulfate 200mg 、 Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 50mg 、Vitamin C 50mg 、 Zinc 15mg 、Hyaluronic Acid 6mg 、Manganese 5mg
、Copper 2mg
服法 Direction
- 25磅以下小型犬隻: 每日1次,每次半片
- 26-50磅中型犬隻: 每日1次,每次1片
- 51-100磅大型犬隻: 每日1次,每次2片
- 直接放於犬隻口中服食 或 與食物混合食用
- Small Dogs (Up to 25lbs): Take half tablet daily
- Medium Dogs (26-50lbs): Take 1 tablet daily
- Large Dogs (51-100lbs): Take 2 tablets daily
- Take the tablet(s) orally by the dog; or
- Mix the tablet(s) with food.
儲存 置於陰涼乾燥處,遠離兒童及寵物
Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
產地 : 美國
Made in USA