Pet Magic – 寵物魔術膏 50g
Pet Magic 寵物魔術膏,看門好幫手
除咗包紮傷口外,主人仲可以用嚟自紐西蘭嘅「抗菌神器」— Pet Magic寵物魔術膏急救主子患處。Pet Magic寵物魔術膏喺紐西蘭大受獸醫界追捧!佢蘊含世界聞名嘅紐西蘭特產紐西蘭麥蘆卡蜂蜜(Manuka Honey),抗菌功能遠超一般普通蜂蜜,其度數更高達UMF15+醫療級水平。配合其他天然成份:如小麥胚芽油、蜂蠟、金盞花油同胡蘿蔔油,成就出好似Magic一樣,獨一無二嘅天然治療良方!不論係燙傷、抓傷、擦傷、割傷等傷口都可以使用。Pet Magic寵物魔術膏會喺主子傷口表面形成保護膜,除咗有效強力抗菌﹑預防傷口感染同發炎之外;更有效加快傷口埋口,同時持久呵護﹑鎮靜患處!快啲買返支「抗菌神器」Pet Magic寵物魔術膏看門口啦
尊貴紐西蘭國寶級成分UMF 15+麥蘆卡蜂蜜﹑小麥胚芽油﹑胡蘿蔔油﹑蜂蠟﹑金盞花油,滋潤乾燥皮膚之餘,仲可以紓緩同修護主子敏感紅腫肌膚!仲有特強殺菌、消炎﹑天然抗氧化功效,可以促進皮膚細胞生長,重建受損皮膚~黃色軟膏狀,不油不粘,方便使用,亦唔會刺激皮膚!
Pet Magic寵物魔術膏一搽止痕癢,得咗!
Pet Magic is a soothing cream specifically designed for the use on Pets both large and small. Using high levels of UMF 15+ Manuka Honey, combined with key natural essential oils and ingredients and you have a 100% natural healing cream that has been scientifically proven to decrease wounds by 79% in just four days! We know you want the best for Pets so our expert designers have also pH balanced Pet Magic to work with your pets optimum skin pH level and with NO artifical nasties!
Pet Magic’s unique formulation can aid in the treatment of a variety of minor skin conditions including: minor cuts or wounds, bites from insects or animals, grazes and other skin irritations or inflammation.
*Scientifically proven to reduce wounded fibroblast skin cells by 79.8% after one application over 4 days*
Made in New Zealand