Mind Up – 貓用360度清潔牙刷 #956019
- 360度刷頭可以輕鬆觸及牙齒死角,全方位磨刷牙齒的表面。
- 超細毛有助於徹底去除污垢,清潔牙齒。
- 隨著長期使用,刷毛會逐漸磨損變形,潔齒效果降低,因此建議約3個月定期更換牙刷。
- Since it is a 360° tube type, the bristles always contact the teeth even if the angle of the brush head is not adjusted to the tooth surface.
- the hair density is high, it can remove plaque firmly.
- made in Japan
- Size / 13.50 (mm) x 155 (mm)