K9 Natural – Hoki & Beef 脫水生肉狗糧[牛肉、藍尖尾鱈魚]
Our premium freeze dried dog food range uses only the highest quality ingredients giving your dog the locked-in natural goodness of fresh pure ingredients with the combined benefit of an intense flavour boost.Our innovative freeze drying process removes only water so all other nutrients remain in the food, including the taste.
鱈魚,牛肉,牛肚,牛肝,牛脾,牛腎,牛心,牛血,*雞蛋,葵花籽油,亞麻片,褐海帶,新西蘭青口貝,南瓜,西蘭花,花椰菜,捲心菜,硫酸鉀, 乾海帶,蘋果,梨,鹽,維生素E補充劑,蛋白質鋅,蛋白質鐵,蛋白質氧化鎂,硒酵母,蛋白質銅,蛋白質錳,β-胡蘿蔔素,硫胺素硝酸鹽,維生素D3替代品
Hoki, Beef, Beef Tripe, Beef Liver, Beef Spleen, Beef Kidney, Beef Heart, Beef Blood, *Eggs, Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Flakes, Brown Kelp, New Zealand Green Mussel, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Potassium Sulphate, Dried Kelp, Apples, Pears, Salt, Vitamin E Supplement, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Magnesium Oxide, Selenium Yeast, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Beta-Carotene, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin D3 Supplem
Minimum Crude Protein 最低粗蛋白 | 46% |
Minimum Crude Fat 最低粗脂肪 | 35% |
Maximum Crude Fibre 最大粗纖維 | 2.5% |
Maximum Moisture 最大含水量 | 8% |
Minimum Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) & Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) | 0.33% |
卡路里含量ME(kcal / kg):5280 kcal / kgkcal / kg
Made in New Zealand