Canagan是一種完全均衡的無穀物食品,其中包含有機蔬菜,新鮮肉類和螯合礦物質; 為成年犬製作有益健康,美味又營養的餐食。 本產品一種無穀物的特殊狗糧,由我們的專家配製而成,可提供接近其祖先飲食的營養,並具有正確的蛋白質與碳水化合物比例以及多種蔬菜和植物藥。這種精心平衡,營養密集的配方將激發您狗的味蕾,並為它們的進化需求提供大量可高度消化的蛋白質。
Canagan is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. Naturally, our ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends. Canagan is a special grain free dog food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals.This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog’s taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.