Mind Up – 日本犬用軟毛牙刷[小型刷頭] #906021
跟人一樣,犬隻的牙齒就像牠們的生命一樣重要。健康的牙齒幫助牠們維持一個健康、美味的進食體驗。請好好利用[KENKO CARE]口腔護理產品,爲犬隻養成健康的潔齒習慣。在使用[KENKO CARE]為你愛犬進行日常口腔護理的時候,寵物主人亦會關注自己的牙齒健康。
- Size / about 150 x 15.5 mm 4.5 g
- 軟毛牙刷特別適合有口腔問題的狗狗。
- 軟毛設計能夠舒適地幫狗狗按摩牙齦。
- 適用於小型犬/中型犬,以及剛剛開始刷牙的狗狗。
- 刷頭傾斜15度,非常符合狗狗的口腔角度和嘴形輪廓。
- 隨著長期使用,刷毛會逐漸磨損變形,潔齒效果降低,因此建議約3個月定期更換牙刷。
- A toothbrush that is perfect for carefully brushing the teeth of a small dog or more.
- Since the brush hair is soft, it is suitable not only for brushing teeth but also for gum massage.
- the brush part is inclined 15 degrees to the handle, so it is easy to brush against the dog’s teeth, and the thin head makes it easier to brush the back teeth.
- Seen from the front, the design is all curved.
- made in Japan